Nika Radić

Related works: My Daily Room, At Home, Out of Place, Private Viev, Nashville Photos, Beds, Other Peoples Windows



2009, 53 digital prints, different dimensions

“Biography” is a series of works built upon rethinking the meaning of the artist’s biography that is usually printed in catalogues. Apart from the commercial interest of showing off artists’ success, the biography creates the context in which the work can be understood.

These works were made around the idea that communication requires shared experience. Thus, to be able to understand an artwork, the viewer has to share at least some experience with the artist. Because of that “Biography” shows the daily life of the artist through the apartments she has lived in.

The series of prints shows apartment plans and photographs from the same apartments. The plans were made from memory by the artist and her mother Anela Đukan, who is an architect, and the two drawings weren overlapped, showing the differences in memories. The photographs show the space but, to turn the view towards the space and away from the people, all persons were erased from old family snapshots that were used.

The whole work can be understood as an offer to share an experience with the artist in order to understand the work. To quote Niklas Luhman “Meaning can only be understood in context and context for each individual consists primarily of what his own memory supplies.”.

The catalogue is available here. If you want to obtain a copy, please get in touch.

N Radic TheBiographyN Radic ThBiography    N Radic TheBiography

N Radic thebiography